Preparing for my Nano Infusions Treatment
Nano-needling/infusion treatments are great for everyone. But those with past histories of skin cancer should consult with their oncologist or dermatologist before booking a nano-needling/infusion treatment.
To learn more about this treatment modality book a complimentary consultation.
This treatment will be denied to the following:
- active cold sores
- herpes simplex or warts in the area to be treated
- open sores, sunburn
- excessively sensitive skin within the application area
- pregnancy.

For patients that have psoriasis or eczema can still be treated with nano-needling/infusion, however, the area that is active will be avoided.
Nano-needling/infusion is limited to .12 to .15 mm in the epidermis
Pre-Treatment Care
- Stop tanning 1 ½ – 2 weeks prior
- Any skin care regime that involves any acids a week prior (alpha hydroxyl, beta hydroxyl acid, retinol etc.) It is recommended clients just use a gentle cleanser for the time being.
- Do not consume any drugs or alcohol 24 – 48 hours before
- If you are prone to the Herpes Simplex Virus (cold sores, or even fever blisters) it is recommended you ask your doctor for a prescription of Valtrex to prevent an active outbreak. Start taking 3-4 days prior procedure, and 4 days post procedure
- Make sure the you are in good health before undergoing this procedure. If you are unsure about any skin conditions or health concerns at all, please advise your doctor beforehand and provide us with a doctor’s note authorizing treatment.
Post-Treatment Care
- Always use sunscreen
Disclaimer: The content on this website is no way intended to be treated as medical advice. If you have any concerns about a treatment and a medical issues, it is your responsibility to consult with your health care provider. For any questions regarding a medical condition, we urge you to speak to a health provider. Results and treatment descriptions are in no way a guarentee. Results may vary. Prices do not reflect tax and can change at any time.