Extended Health Benefit Claims for Counselling Services
Direct Billing
At Palm and Cedar Wellness Clinic we can now provide direct billing for Green Shield and Medavie Blue Cross.

Below are a list of providers that accept Registered Clinical Counsellors as part of their Mental Health Plan, but do not offer direct billing through Palm and Cedar Wellness Clinic:

For more information, we suggest that you contact your insurance agent, extended health provider or employer to inquire about the details of your coverage. Your coverage will list Registered Clinical Counsellor. If you are unsure, speak to your provider.
To Whom It May Concern,
A Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) is a fully qualified mental health professional with a minimum of a Master’s degree in counselling, and (2) a registered member of the B.C. Association of Clinical Counsellors; website: bc-counsellors.org. This association maintains high ethical standards of practice for Registered members.
I have also been informed that fees for Registered Clinical Counsellors usually 20% less per hourly session compared to that of fees for Registered Psychologists. By amending the benefit schedule of our plan, it appears that it would not make any difference to our healthcare provider, nor be of any additional cost to my employer, but would, on the other hand, give more options to those covered under the plan. I am currently seeking treatment by a Registered Clinical Counsellor who specializes in my particular concerns. I am satisfied with the help I am receiving. For this reason, I would like to request that the fees for my counselling therapy with a Registered Clinical Counsellor be reimbursed by my current plan. I would appreciate your consideration and prompt attention to this matter as this reimbursement is essential to continuing my counselling treatment.
Extended Health Benefit Claims are made in much the same manner as with private wellness and health practitioners with the submission of your payment receipt(s) to the insurer.
For more information, we suggest that you contact your insurance agent, extended health provider or employer to inquire about the details of your coverage. Your coverage will list Registered Clinical Counsellor. If you are unsure, speak to your provider.
Extended Health Benefit Claims are made in much the same manner as with private wellness and health practitioners with the submission of your payment receipt(s) to the insurer.